The glowing reviews for the Spectacular Weekend Getaways of Texas book keep rolling in!  What this reviewer from a big Texas newspaper said was music to my ears.  "First of all, the photos are unique and creative! Even if you don’t bother to read any of the captions or descriptions, this book serves as delicious eye candy for at least an hour or two. I guarantee you’ll do quite a bit of backtracking with certain photographs that made the hidden adventurer inside you giddy with wanderlust."


It's true, the photography in the book is spectacular.  I chose this particular sweet getaway spot for this post because the photography is some of my favorite submitted for this book.  We couldn't publish all of their images so I am sharing them here.  I almost chose the big oak tree shot as the cover of the book.   


There's a saying among writers that goes something like this, "good writing is supposed to evoke sensation in the reader - don't just talk about the fact that it is raining but create the feeling of being rained upon."  I think the notion of evoking feeling can be applied to many forms of art, including cooking, painting, design and more.  The art here is photography and the artist behind the lens has captured the feeling of calm through composition, lighting, staging and focus.  My mind slowed down as I was carefully sifting through which images to use here.  Enjoy the relaxing effect of these photos.  Photography by Jumping Rock Photos.


BlissWood Bed & Breakfast is located at Lehmann Legacy Ranch, a 500-acre working ranch just an hour west of Houston. Spend a day, a week, or longer in this peaceful country setting with your choice of accommodations—there’s a mix of 12 different houses and cabins. All lodging is private with kitchens, bathrooms, and antique furnishings. Enjoy a Texas sunset while you sip refreshments on your front porch and unwind next to the majestic live oaks. Visit blisswood.net.